Akinade Onigbinde declares Doma United ‘battle ready’ for the season

Akinade Onigbinde, technical adviser of newly promoted Doma United Football Club has reiterated his team’s readiness to battle old boys in the league.

Onigbinde spoke with the media department of the club after the club’s final training ahead of their opener against Sunshine Stars of Akure on Sunday.

He said Doma United have come a long way to be a pushover in the league after their outstanding performance in the NNL last season.

“Yes, it’s true that we just gained promotion into the elite league, but we are battle ready for the season,” Akinade Onigbinde allayed.

“We participated in three preseason tournaments and we’ve learned a lot from those tournaments and we’ve made all necessary adjustments in order to have a good start to the season.”

“The team is new in the NPFL but we’re not new in Nigeria Football and we are not in the league for jamboree, we’re here for serious business.”

The club’s General Manager Saidu Umar also confirmed that the team on its part has done everything possible to prepare for the new season.

“The management of the team has set all machineries in motion to ensure that the team is ready for the season.”

“We have done all that is there to be done to ensure that we succeed in our first season in the NPFL.”

“Now we’re just waiting to see all that we’ve put together on the pitch tomorrow”, Saidu stated.

The Assistant Captain of the club Haruna Aliyu (LBC) said the players are ready and are confident of picking up maximum point in their first game.

“The CEO and other management members of the club have done their part, it’s time for us to do our part and trust me we are ready”, he boasted.

“No disrespect to Sunshine Stars but we’re ready to pick all three points tomorrow.”

Doma United is paired in group B of the NPFL abridge league format.

They will be up against Sunshine Stars of Akure in their debut season opener on Sunday at the Pantami Stadium, Gombe by 4PM. 

Copyright 2021 @ The Athletic NG. Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to as the source.

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