The Nigeria Premier Football League matchday six brought football fans across the nation to the edge of their seats, with a slew...
In a show of unwavering optimism, Rangers FC defender Ifeanyi Onyebuchi has voiced his belief in the team’s potential to bring the...
The Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) has applauded the historic milestone for Nigerian football as Rangers International Football Club announced a groundbreaking...
Having ended 32 years of NPFL drought for the Flying Antelope, Imama Amapakabo, the head coach of Rangers International in 2015/2016, has...
Head Coach of Rangers International, Abdul Maikaba has praised the performance of his players following his side’s 1 – 0 win over...
Abia Warriors started the season with a stunning 2-0 victory against Rangers International in group B of the 2022/2023 Nigeria Premier Football...